Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. Math - IXL 7N.5 (SS 50)
2. Saint research
*Skiing forms and money
*Holy Cross Open House (6:00 pm-8:30 pm)

Due Friday:
1. Resurrection of the body and life everlasting reflection

Due Monday:
1. Wayfinding project
2. Text structure matching
3. Art - Draw all 8 images (does not need to be coloured or fine-lined yet)

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Tuesday’s HW

Due Wednesday:
1. Math -IXL 7 N.2 (SS 50)
2. Turn it into a question - Socials p.62-66

Due Thursday:
1. Saint Research
*Skiing forms
*Holy Cross Open House

Due next week:
1. Wayfinding project (Mon.) 
2. Art - 8 images (Mon.)
*Confirmation retreat form and $20 (Wed)

Friday, 24 January 2020

Friday's HW

Due Monday:
1. Science - Climagraph
2. Art - Draw and fine-line image
3. Mass Journal
4. Math Quiz (+, -, x, division, order of operations)
*Hot Lunch forms

Due Tuesday:
1. Writing - How to be me (10+ instructions)
2. French - Les adverbs interrogatifs

*Holy Cross Open House (Jan. 30)
*Retreat forms and $20 (Feb. 5)

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Thursday's HW

Due Friday:
1. Reflection - Forgiveness of sins
2. Math - IXL 7E.11
3. THIEVES - Socials book p. 62-66
*Family skating forms

Due Monday:
1. Science - Climagraph
2. Art - Draw and fine-line image
*Hot Lunch forms

Due Tuesday:
1. Writing - How to be me (10+ instructions)
2. French - Les adverbs interrogatifs

*Holy Cross Open House (Jan. 30)
*Retreat forms and $20 (Feb. 5)

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. Math - IXL 7E.5 (SS 80)
2. Writing - Self / world improvement (Introduction and 10+ instructions)
3. French - Poser des questions
*Fancy Thursday

Due Friday:
1. Reflection - Forgiveness of sins
2. THIEVES - Socials book p. 62-66

Due Monday:
1. Science - Climagraph
2. Art - draw and fine-line image

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Tuesday's HW

Due Wednesday:
1. Holy catholic Church reflection - means... I show it by...
2. Communion of Saints reflection - means... I show it by...
3. Math - IXL 7 E.3 (SS 50)
4. Choose pop art image
*Family Skating forms

Due Thursday:
1. Writing - instructions for self / world improvement (introduction + 10 instructions)
2. French - poser des questions
*Fancy Thursday

*Holy Cross Open House (Jan. 30)
*Confirmation forms (especially retreat permission and $20) (February 5)

Monday, 20 January 2020

Monday's HW

Due Tuesday:
1. Math - IXL 7E.1 (SS 50), 7E.2 (SS 50)
*Throwback Tuesday ($1)

Due Wednesday:
1. Holy catholic Church - (... means..., I show my belief...)
2. Choose image for Pop Art
*Family skating forms

Due Thursday:
*Fancy Thursday

Friday, 17 January 2020

Friday's HW

Sent home:
*Confirmation forms

Due Monday:
1. Mass Journal
*Hot Lunch for those who ordered

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Tuesday's HW

Due Wednesday:
1. Math - IXL 7 F.12 (SS 80), quiz tomorrow

Due Thursday:
1. French - shop names
2. Writing - instructions for spending a day at...

*Family Skating forms due (Jan 22)
*Holy Cross Open House (Jan 30)

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Thursday's HW

Due Friday:
1. Math - IXL 7F.12 (SS 50)
2. Religion - Holy Spirit Reflection
*Christmas DVD orders
*FUNtastic Friday
*Mass - Music Room at 8:15, best uniform

Due Monday:
1. Art - Portfolio
*Hot Lunch forms

Due Tuesday:
1. French - Je me presente (good copy)
2. Writing - Instructions #2 (10 instructions + NF text feature)

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. French - 23 locations (first two columns)
2. Math - IXL Grade 6 J.11 (SS 80)
3. Writing - Instructions #1 (e.g. How to Make a Snowman)
*Pajama / Wacky Hair Day ($1)

Due Friday:
1. Religion - God the Holy Spirit reflection
*Mass - meet in Music Room for 8:15
*FUNtastic Friday forms
*Christmas DVD Orders (form on school website)

Due Monday:
1. Art - Portfolio
*Hot Lunch forms

January 30:
*Holy Cross Open House

Friday's work

Due Monday: 1. Religion - Anointing of the sick - Day 1 2. Math - Circle graph review 3. Reading - group plan, I'm wondering page 4....