Friday, 17 April 2020

Friday's work

Due Monday:
1. Religion - Anointing of the sick - Day 1
2. Math - Circle graph review
3. Reading - group plan, I'm wondering page
4. Writing - spend 30 min memorizing poem / character recitation / story
5. Mass Journal for Sunday
6. #stayhome learning survey

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Wednesday's Work

Due Thursday:
1. Writing - start memorizing your poem / character recitation / story (30 min.)
2. Reading - Stargirl - Ch.30-33
3. Math - send your questionnaire. Answer everybody else's
4. Religion - Chapter 10, Segment 3

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Tuesday's Work

Due Wednesday
1. Math - survey question in Google forms
2. Stargirl - Chapters 26-29 (read and respond)
3. Writing - Persuasive Techniques (second essay paragraph - first main point)
4. Religion - Reconciliation Segment 2 (watch and respond)
5. If you haven't found a poem / character recitation / written a story yet, do that too!

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Holy Thursday

Today is all about the church and our faith
1. Stations of the Cross
2. Family At Home Retreat
3. Do something nice for somebody
4. A Different Kind of Easter
5. Archbishop Miller's message
6. Mass Journal (for Sunday)

(Continue looking for your poem / monologue or writing your story for Speech Arts)

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Wednesday's Work

Due Thursday:
1. Religion - Reconciliation - Day One (Chosen Lesson 10)
2. Math - Circle Graphs Quiz (done in our class meeting)
3. Stargirl - Chapters 22-25
4. Check PE classroom
5. Check Music classroom

Due Tuesday:
1. Writer's Workshop - Speech Arts - Poetry / Storytelling / Character Recitation

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Tuesday's Work

Due Wednesday:
1. Math - Drawing Circle Graphs
2. Religion - Sacrament Mini-Book - Confirmation
3. Writing an awesome introduction paragraph
4. Reading - Stargirl Ch 18-21
5. PE classroom
6. Music classroom

Monday, 6 April 2020

Monday's Work

Due Tuesday (8:00am)
1. Religion - Chosen Lesson 14 Segment 3
2. Math - Interpreting Circle Graphs
3. Persuasive Essay Survey
4. Stargirl Chapters 14-17
5. Check PE classroom for Mr. E's assignment
6. Check Music classroom - is there something for you from Mrs. Olsen?

Friday, 3 April 2020

Friday in Grade 7

Usually I'll post this each morning, but today it's a little later. Today on Google Classroom, you'll find:

1. The Fun They Had (Reader's Workshop assignment due Monday at 8:00am)
2. Zoom information for test meetings (if you missed it today but want to check your setup, send me a message on Google Classroom over the weekend and we'll set up a quick test session to make sure you're ready for Monday morning)
3. Expectations for Zoom Morning Meetings
4. Working from home for students - tips to get your work space and schedule set up

Have a great weekend! See you Monday at 9:00 am. Zoom info will be posted by 8:00am on Google Classroom, free chat from 8:45-8:59.

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Today's HW

Check your school email. Read all the way to the end. I encourage you to read it to your parents.

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Literature Circles - survey


On Google Classroom there is a survey for you to fill out so I can organize our next novel after Stargirl. Please fill it out today. And spread the word so I can send the novels home with your stuff tomorrow! Thanks!

Monday, 30 March 2020

Welcome Back!

Hello Grade Sevens!

I've missed you these last couple of weeks - it seems much longer since we've been all together!

School over the next few weeks is going to look a little different than what you're used to, but make no mistake, we are definitely still in class, even if we aren't physically in the classroom.

We may have some bumps along the road, but we'll figure them out together. We're pretty well positioned because you guys are so tech-savvy anyway.

This week, I'd like you to check this blog and Google Classroom every day please. I may send something like a survey, or a short story to read, in the next few days, and we'll start "really learning" by next Monday.

In the meantime, stay safe and healthy, help your parents around the house, and GET OFF YOUR SCREENS once in a while.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Spring Break HW:

Just kidding, there isn’t any officially.

You could: 
-find more facts for your persuasive essay
-finish your health poster
-practice IXL recommended skills and diagnostic

But otherwise, stay safe, healthy, and spend time with your family. Take a break from your screens once in a while. 

See you soon!

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. Persuasive essay - 3 main points
*Make paper drum sticks
*Bring basketball uniform

Due Friday:
1. Stargirl - Ch. 10-13
2. Math Test, review questions
*Green Day
*Also, Red, White, Black for dance clothes

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Tuesday's HW

Due Wednesday:
1. Stargirl - Ch. 6-9
2. Scratch Game - planning sheet
*Basketball jersey and shorts or $75

Due Thursday:
1. Persuasive essay - 3 main points
*Paper drum sticks

Due Friday:
1. Math Test - Circles and Area

Monday, 9 March 2020

Monday's HW

Due Tuesday:
1. Science presentation
2. Choose persuasive essay topic
3. Letter to parents
4. French - Les directions
5. Math - Area and volume quiz

Due Wednesday:
1. Scratch game - planning sheet
2. Stargirl - Chapters 6-9 (read and respond)
*Parent meeting 7:00 pm

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Thursday's HW

Due Friday:
1. Math - IXL 7 AA.13 (SS 80)
*Mass - meet in music room at 8:15? 8:30? Whatever Mrs. Olsen told you.

Due Monday:
1. Circle Art
2. Science - climate change summit (presentations)

Due Tuesday:
1. Choose persuasive essay topic
2. Letter to parents
3. French - les directions

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. Eucharist page
2. French - mouse sheet
*February excuse notes

Due Monday:
1. Circle art

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Tuesday's HW

Due Wednesday:
*Bring instruments and music books
*February excuse notes

Due Thursday:
1. French - mouse sheet
2. Eucharist page (we will work on again in class Wednesday)

Due Monday:
1. Circle art

Friday, 28 February 2020

Friday's HW

Due Monday:
1. Baptism page
2. Mass Journal
3. Math - TB p. 151 #1, 2, 5, 7; WB p. 91-92 #1-5
*Student Led Conference times

Due Tuesday:
1. French Map

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Thursday's HW

Due Monday:
1. Baptism page
*Student Led conference times

Due Tuesday:
1. French map

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. French - spelling test
2. Socials - 4-1, 4-2
*Pink Day
*Money for Toy Sale

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Tuesday's HW

*Bring a book by a Canadian author
*Wear Canada gear or red/white
*Retreat forms / $20 / Shrove Tuesday forms
*Band instruments and books

Due Thursday:
1. Saint Project - 3, 2, 1 Edit
2. French - Une Liste de Courses
*Parent meeting 6:30 pm

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Tuesday's HW

Due Wednesday:
*Red Day - wear red athletic clothes, bring $2
*Retreat forms and $20
*Basketball tournament - rides here by 9:25 am

Due Tuesday:
1. Saint Project
2. Art - Op Art Hearts

Saturday, 8 February 2020

Friday's HW

Due Monday:
1. Art - colour and fine-line Pop Art
2. Mass Journal
*Hot Lunch for those who ordered
*Retreat forms and $20

Due Tuesday:
1. Math Test (IXL skills posted in the sidebar)

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. 321 Edit, ready to print - Creed Reflections
*Retreat forms and $20

Due Monday:
1. Art - colour and fine-line

Due Tuesday:
1. Math - Test

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. Math - IXL 7N.5 (SS 50)
2. Saint research
*Skiing forms and money
*Holy Cross Open House (6:00 pm-8:30 pm)

Due Friday:
1. Resurrection of the body and life everlasting reflection

Due Monday:
1. Wayfinding project
2. Text structure matching
3. Art - Draw all 8 images (does not need to be coloured or fine-lined yet)

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Tuesday’s HW

Due Wednesday:
1. Math -IXL 7 N.2 (SS 50)
2. Turn it into a question - Socials p.62-66

Due Thursday:
1. Saint Research
*Skiing forms
*Holy Cross Open House

Due next week:
1. Wayfinding project (Mon.) 
2. Art - 8 images (Mon.)
*Confirmation retreat form and $20 (Wed)

Friday, 24 January 2020

Friday's HW

Due Monday:
1. Science - Climagraph
2. Art - Draw and fine-line image
3. Mass Journal
4. Math Quiz (+, -, x, division, order of operations)
*Hot Lunch forms

Due Tuesday:
1. Writing - How to be me (10+ instructions)
2. French - Les adverbs interrogatifs

*Holy Cross Open House (Jan. 30)
*Retreat forms and $20 (Feb. 5)

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Thursday's HW

Due Friday:
1. Reflection - Forgiveness of sins
2. Math - IXL 7E.11
3. THIEVES - Socials book p. 62-66
*Family skating forms

Due Monday:
1. Science - Climagraph
2. Art - Draw and fine-line image
*Hot Lunch forms

Due Tuesday:
1. Writing - How to be me (10+ instructions)
2. French - Les adverbs interrogatifs

*Holy Cross Open House (Jan. 30)
*Retreat forms and $20 (Feb. 5)

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. Math - IXL 7E.5 (SS 80)
2. Writing - Self / world improvement (Introduction and 10+ instructions)
3. French - Poser des questions
*Fancy Thursday

Due Friday:
1. Reflection - Forgiveness of sins
2. THIEVES - Socials book p. 62-66

Due Monday:
1. Science - Climagraph
2. Art - draw and fine-line image

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Tuesday's HW

Due Wednesday:
1. Holy catholic Church reflection - means... I show it by...
2. Communion of Saints reflection - means... I show it by...
3. Math - IXL 7 E.3 (SS 50)
4. Choose pop art image
*Family Skating forms

Due Thursday:
1. Writing - instructions for self / world improvement (introduction + 10 instructions)
2. French - poser des questions
*Fancy Thursday

*Holy Cross Open House (Jan. 30)
*Confirmation forms (especially retreat permission and $20) (February 5)

Monday, 20 January 2020

Monday's HW

Due Tuesday:
1. Math - IXL 7E.1 (SS 50), 7E.2 (SS 50)
*Throwback Tuesday ($1)

Due Wednesday:
1. Holy catholic Church - (... means..., I show my belief...)
2. Choose image for Pop Art
*Family skating forms

Due Thursday:
*Fancy Thursday

Friday, 17 January 2020

Friday's HW

Sent home:
*Confirmation forms

Due Monday:
1. Mass Journal
*Hot Lunch for those who ordered

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Tuesday's HW

Due Wednesday:
1. Math - IXL 7 F.12 (SS 80), quiz tomorrow

Due Thursday:
1. French - shop names
2. Writing - instructions for spending a day at...

*Family Skating forms due (Jan 22)
*Holy Cross Open House (Jan 30)

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Thursday's HW

Due Friday:
1. Math - IXL 7F.12 (SS 50)
2. Religion - Holy Spirit Reflection
*Christmas DVD orders
*FUNtastic Friday
*Mass - Music Room at 8:15, best uniform

Due Monday:
1. Art - Portfolio
*Hot Lunch forms

Due Tuesday:
1. French - Je me presente (good copy)
2. Writing - Instructions #2 (10 instructions + NF text feature)

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. French - 23 locations (first two columns)
2. Math - IXL Grade 6 J.11 (SS 80)
3. Writing - Instructions #1 (e.g. How to Make a Snowman)
*Pajama / Wacky Hair Day ($1)

Due Friday:
1. Religion - God the Holy Spirit reflection
*Mass - meet in Music Room for 8:15
*FUNtastic Friday forms
*Christmas DVD Orders (form on school website)

Due Monday:
1. Art - Portfolio
*Hot Lunch forms

January 30:
*Holy Cross Open House

Friday's work

Due Monday: 1. Religion - Anointing of the sick - Day 1 2. Math - Circle graph review 3. Reading - group plan, I'm wondering page 4....