Monday, 16 December 2019

Monday's HW

Due Tuesday:
1. Literature Circles - Week 3 meeting
*Bring costumes - everything you will wear on stage. Plan to leave them at school.

*Dress Rehearsal - early lunch

*It's the play!!! Lunch is early. Matinee starts at 1:00. Evening starts at 6:15.

*Band concert - bring instruments
*12:00 dismissal

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Wednesday's Homework

Due Thursday:
1. Learn lines, cues, and songs
*Bring costumes
*Ready to walk to the library. Wear a jacket!

Due Friday:
1. French - Je me presente
*Red / Green Day - bring a food bank or Fill the Crib item

Due Tuesday:
1. Literature Circles Week 3

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Tuesday's HW

Due Wednesday:
1. French - half of Je Me Presente sentences
2. Learn lines and songs (20 min.)
*Start bringing costumes

*Choir is walking to the library. Wear your jacket!

Monday, 9 December 2019

Monday's HW

Due Tuesday:
1. Literature Circles week 2 meeting
2. French - Je me presente - introductions
3. Memorize lines (20 min.)
*FUNtastic Fridays sent home

Friday, 6 December 2019

Friday's HW

Due Monday:
1. French - Activité 8
2. Mass Journal
3. Creed Reflection - God the Father (means that... , I can show my belief by...)
4. Memorize lines / songs for play (20+ min)
*Hot Lunch for those who ordered
*Hoodie permission forms
*Girls basketball practice after school (instead of Tuesday)

Due Tuesday:
1. Literature Circles Week 2 meeting

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. French spelling test
*Spend 20 minutes learning your lines and songs, and reading your scenes
*Hoodie permission forms

Due Tuesday:
1. Literature Circle meetings week 2

Friday's work

Due Monday: 1. Religion - Anointing of the sick - Day 1 2. Math - Circle graph review 3. Reading - group plan, I'm wondering page 4....