Friday, 29 November 2019

Friday's HW

Due Monday:
1. Mass Journal
2. Hoodie Design - good copy
3. French - Activité 3
*Hot Lunch forms

Due Tuesday:
1. Literature Circles - Finish Week 1

Due Wednesday:
*Hoodie permission forms

Monday, 25 November 2019

Monday's HW

Due Tuesday:
1. Hoodie design - ten possible designs
*I suggest your work on Leadership team stuff - we've got lots going on
*Computational Thinking slides here (for the person who wanted them)

Due Wednesday:
*Come to your interview
*Choose your Confirmation saint

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Thursday's HW

Due Monday:
1. Run - Ch. 19 and 20
2. French - Activité 3
3. Science - Does the Theory of Evolution really matter?
*Bring 2-3 recycled items for our design challenge

Due Tuesday:
1. Hoodie design - sketch 10 possible designs

Due Wednesday:
*Choose Confirmation saint

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. Reducing Water Use
2. Run - Ch. 17 and 18
3. French - Dialogue, Activité 2
*Finish overdue homework or you're staying after school

Due Monday:
*2-3 recycled items (Monday)
*Basketball forms (Monday)

*Choose Confirmation saint (Wednesday)
*French spelling test (Dec. 5)

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Tuesday's HW

Due Wednesday:
1. Science - What is natural selection?
2. Run - Ch. 15 and 16
3. Math Test - see review notes on yesterday's post. Look over practice test.
*Band - remember your instrument and book

Due Thursday:
1. French - Dialogue, Activité 2

*2-3 recycled items (Monday)
*Basketball forms (Monday)
*Choose Confirmation saint (Nov. 27)
*French spelling test (Dec. 5)

Monday, 18 November 2019

Monday's HW

Due Tuesday:
1. French - Title page (Bienvenue à...)
2. Socials - Human Family Tree

Due Wednesday:
1. What is natural selection? (your own words)
2. Run - Ch. 15 and 16
3. Math Test - do IXL skills (right side bar), TB p. 79-80 #1-18, WB p. 45-46 #1-9 to practice

Due next Wednesday:
*Choose Confirmation saint
*Show up for your interview

Friday, 15 November 2019

Friday's HW

Due Monday:
1. Mass Journal
2. French - Activité 1: Bonjour! Au revoir!
*Hot Lunch for those who ordered

Due Tuesday:
1. French - Title page (Bienvenue à...)
2. Socials - Human Family Tree

Due Wednesday:
1. Math - Test
          - TB p. 79-80 #1-18
          - WB p. 45-46 #1-9
          - IXL Skills on the sidebar ->
          - IXL other B and C skills (Grade 7) will help too

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Thursday's HW

Due Friday:
1. Run - Chapter 13 and 14

Due Monday:
1. French - Activité 1: Bonjour! Au revoir!
*Hot Lunch for those who ordered

Due Tuesday:
1. French - Title page (Bienvenue à...)

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. Spirit Day reflection
2. Math - Grade 8C.8 (SS 50); Quiz - multiply, divide, BEDMAS with integers
3. Paragraph - Christmas Play
4. Science - What is the Evidence for Evolution?
*Christmas Play auditions!!!!!
*Band - bring instrument

Due Friday:
1. Run - Ch. 13 and 14

Due Tuesday:
1. French - Title page - "Bienvenue à..."

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Tuesday's HW

Due Wednesday:
1. Run - Chapters 11 and 12
2. Math - Grade 7 C.6, C.7
*Best uniforms for Fr. Rob

Due Thursday:
1. Spirit Day Reflection
2. Paragraph - Christmas Play
3. What is the Evidence for Evolution?

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Thursday's HW:

*Spirit Day! - See you at Pacific Academy between 9am and 9:30am. Pick up time is 6:00pm. Consider carpooling!

Due Tuesday:
1. Mass Journal if you didn't finish today.
*Hot Lunch forms
*Interview time requests

Due Wednesday:
1. Run - Chapters 11 and 12

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. Art - Form, texture notes
2. Math - IXL 7C.3 (optional - time to work Thursday, but quiz at 11:00ish)
*Volleyball game
*$1 for poppy
*Mass - we have air cadets, right? If you are one, wear your uniform!

Due Tuesday:
*Hot Lunch forms
*Interview time requests

Due Wednesday:
1. Run - Chapters 11 and 12

Monday, 4 November 2019

Monday's HW

Due Tuesday:
1. French Spelling Test
2. French - Presentations continue
*Math - Online FSA (last part!!!)

Due Wednesday:
1. Run - Chapters 9 and 10

Due Thursday:
1. Art - form and texture (notes)
*Teachers vs Students volleyball game.

*Spirit Day - reminder going home tomorrow

Friday, 1 November 2019

Friday's HW

*Get a good night's sleep. We are writing the Math FSA (written)

Due Tuesday:
1. French - Spelling Test
2. French - Presentations continue
*Math - Online FSA

Friday's work

Due Monday: 1. Religion - Anointing of the sick - Day 1 2. Math - Circle graph review 3. Reading - group plan, I'm wondering page 4....