Thursday, 31 October 2019

Halloween Homework

Due Friday:
*Be at school for 8:30, we are singing at Mass
*Try not to be too tired

Due Tuesday:
1. French Spelling Test (for real)

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. French Presentations continue
2. Art - Line, shape, form
*Halloween - dress in appropriate costumes, bring $2 and a food bank item, colouring contest, good attitude.

Due Friday:
1. French - spelling test
*Mass - Music room by 8:15

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Tuesday's HW

Due Wednesday:
1. French - spelling test
2. French - presentations continue (maybe)
3. Science - Evolution vocabulary
4. Run - Ch. 7 and 8 (summary and connections)
*Writing FSA

Due Thursday: 
1. French - Presentations continue
2. Art - Line, shape, value notes
*It's Halloween!!! Wear a costume. Bring food for the Food Bank!

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. French - presentations probably begin (can you check at home tonight whether your pictures are loading properly?)
2. Math - TB p. 58 #1-5 + Reflect; WB p. 34-35 #1-5
3. Creed - PreReflection
4. Socials - Earliest Humans notes

*NO SCHOOL! (Pro-D Day)

Due Monday:
1. Run - Chapter 5 and 6: summary and connections
*Hot Lunch for those who ordered

Due Wednesday:
1. French - Spelling Test

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Tuesday's HW

Due Wednesday:
1. Run - Chapter 3 and 4 - read and respond
2. Math - WB p. 34 #1-4; IXL 7B.1 (SS 50), 7B.2 (SS 50)
*Evaluation Phase 2 begins
*Bring instruments for Band

Due Thursday:
1. Socials - Earliest humans notes
2. Creed pre-reflection
*French presentations begin

Due October 30:
1. French Spelling Test

Monday, 21 October 2019

Monday's HW

Due Tuesday:
1. French - project slides (end of day for non-volleyball)

Due Wednesday:
1. Math - WB p. 34 #1-4; IXL 7B.1 (SS 50), 7B.2 (SS 50)
2. Run - Chapter 3 and 4 - read and respond

Due Thursday:
1. Socials - Earliest human notes

Due October 30:
1. French - spelling test

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Friday's HW

Due Monday:
1. Run - Chapters 1 and 2, read and response
*Hot Lunch forms

Due Tuesday:
1. French project slides (due at end of day for non-volleyball team)

Due October 30:
1. French Spelling Test

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Thursday's HW

Due Friday:
1. Math - Test! Study from your practice test. Also, there are lots of questions available, listed on Tuesday's blog post. IXL skills from this unit are linked on the right side of this post.

Due Monday:
1. Run - Chapters 1 and 2, read and response
*Hot Lunch forms

Due Tuesday:
1. French project slides (due at end of day for non-volleyball team)

Due October 30:
1. French Spelling Test

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Tuesday's HW

(from memory, I forgot to do this before I left school)

Due Wednesday:
1. Confirmation Shield symbols and paragraphs
*Learn rosary prayers (Hail Mary, Hail Holy Queen, Fatima Prayer)

Due Thursday:
1. Paragraph - CSL reports (Report cards)

Due Friday:
1. Math Test. Do lots of practice questions (TB p. 44-46 #1-16, WB p. 26-28 #1-14, IXL skills listed on the right side of this post, extra graphing practice questions worksheet)

Due October 30:
1. French spelling test

Friday, 11 October 2019

Weekend HW

Due Tuesday:
1. Math - Try to spend 10 minutes each day on IXL. Work on your lowest starred skill. I recommend 30 minutes by the end of the weekend. (List of current IXL skills on the right sidebar of the blog)
2. Socials - Advantages of a bigger brain (web)
3. For Pete's Snake summary
*Excuse notes
*Learn the Hail Holy Queen and Fatima Prayer (Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins)

Due Wednesday:
1. Religion - symbol paragraphs

Due October 30:
1. French Spelling test

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Wednesday's HW

Due Thursday:
1. Science - animal poster
2. Math - continue IXL review
3. Religion - Confirmation Shield rough copy (decide on symbols and know why)
4. The Hockey Sweater summary
*Soccer boys leave for St. Catherine's at 2:20

*Lap A Thon. 12:15 dismissal. Be ready to lead!

Due Tuesday:
1. Socials - Advantages of a bigger brain

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Tuesday's HW

*FUNtastic Fridays (sent home)
*Rosary prayers to learn by next Thursday (sent home)

Due Tomorrow:
1. Math - IXL 7U.3 (SS 50); start reviewing for test
2. Religion - decide on symbols, bullet points for why symbols
3. Bring band instruments
*Excuse notes

Due Thursday:
1. Science animal poster
2. The Hockey Sweater summary
*Soccer Boys leave for St. Catherine's at 2:20

Due Friday:
*Lap A Thon. 12:15 dismissal. Be ready to lead!

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Thursday's HW

*Volleyball tournament (bring some $ for the concession if you'd like)
*Photo orders due

Due Monday:
1. Socials One Family notes
2. Math - Keep practicing IXL skills
3. Religion - Confirmation Journey reflection

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Tuesday's HW

Due Wednesday:
1. I Can Choose to follow Jesus reflection
2. Math - 8Y.6 (SS 50), 7V.9 (SS 50)
*Cross country - leave at 9:15

Due Thursday:
1. Science animal notes
2. Math quiz - optional practice questions

*Girls volleyball tournament
*Buy photos if you want them

Due  Monday:
1. One Family notes
*FSA Reading online

Friday's work

Due Monday: 1. Religion - Anointing of the sick - Day 1 2. Math - Circle graph review 3. Reading - group plan, I'm wondering page 4....