Friday, 17 April 2020

Friday's work

Due Monday:
1. Religion - Anointing of the sick - Day 1
2. Math - Circle graph review
3. Reading - group plan, I'm wondering page
4. Writing - spend 30 min memorizing poem / character recitation / story
5. Mass Journal for Sunday
6. #stayhome learning survey

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Wednesday's Work

Due Thursday:
1. Writing - start memorizing your poem / character recitation / story (30 min.)
2. Reading - Stargirl - Ch.30-33
3. Math - send your questionnaire. Answer everybody else's
4. Religion - Chapter 10, Segment 3

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Tuesday's Work

Due Wednesday
1. Math - survey question in Google forms
2. Stargirl - Chapters 26-29 (read and respond)
3. Writing - Persuasive Techniques (second essay paragraph - first main point)
4. Religion - Reconciliation Segment 2 (watch and respond)
5. If you haven't found a poem / character recitation / written a story yet, do that too!

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Holy Thursday

Today is all about the church and our faith
1. Stations of the Cross
2. Family At Home Retreat
3. Do something nice for somebody
4. A Different Kind of Easter
5. Archbishop Miller's message
6. Mass Journal (for Sunday)

(Continue looking for your poem / monologue or writing your story for Speech Arts)

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Wednesday's Work

Due Thursday:
1. Religion - Reconciliation - Day One (Chosen Lesson 10)
2. Math - Circle Graphs Quiz (done in our class meeting)
3. Stargirl - Chapters 22-25
4. Check PE classroom
5. Check Music classroom

Due Tuesday:
1. Writer's Workshop - Speech Arts - Poetry / Storytelling / Character Recitation

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Tuesday's Work

Due Wednesday:
1. Math - Drawing Circle Graphs
2. Religion - Sacrament Mini-Book - Confirmation
3. Writing an awesome introduction paragraph
4. Reading - Stargirl Ch 18-21
5. PE classroom
6. Music classroom

Monday, 6 April 2020

Monday's Work

Due Tuesday (8:00am)
1. Religion - Chosen Lesson 14 Segment 3
2. Math - Interpreting Circle Graphs
3. Persuasive Essay Survey
4. Stargirl Chapters 14-17
5. Check PE classroom for Mr. E's assignment
6. Check Music classroom - is there something for you from Mrs. Olsen?

Friday's work

Due Monday: 1. Religion - Anointing of the sick - Day 1 2. Math - Circle graph review 3. Reading - group plan, I'm wondering page 4....